Jewel of My Heart Song Hio, bluepoint female
Born: 07.09.04
Bloodtype A
Ikaros de Shattea, bluepoint.
IC S*Backkara's Simson, bluept
Grandmother: S*Backkara's Tiny Blue, bluelpt
Dam: CH Gemstone's Opaline, lilacpoint.
Grandfather :
GIC Against All Odds Song Hio, chocolatept
Grandmother: GIC Gemstone's Tourmaline, chocolatept
Pedigree (not ready yet)
Jewel, november 2004, still just a 'baby' |
Jewel in february, 5 months old |
Thank you to the handsome Ikaros, who did so well, - without him, there would be no 'Jewel' for us :-)